Thursday, 8 January 2015


Thankfully my New Year's resolutions don't include timely and prompt blog updates. Actually, they don't include much of interest but it's useful for me to write them down as a reference. Possibly like last year, I've learnt as much from what I've been doing right as from I've been doing wrong or not doing - some of these are of the "keep doing this, it works" ilk. Others are common sense. If only I could apply that more regularly.

Have many more trips abroad.
- Really missed out on this last year, I feel undernourished for exploration and new venues! Hell I'd even take Euro-limestone at the moment.

Climb South of the border.
- I've done enough in Scotland and don't have many inspirations left apart from a few odds and sods. I enjoyed getting back down last year, so I'm getting more psyche for other stuff around the UK: More on the grit in winter, and more in Mid-Wales, South West, and North Wales come spring and summer.

Keep training throughout the year - wall, gym, active rest.
- This has worked well for me, I haven't noticed much climbing improvement apart from a bit better core tension, but I have felt good keeping up with the training and I'm sure the benefits are there.

Do more stretching.
- The one bit of training I don't really do apart from in between warm-ups at the bouldering wall. I should do more as I'm sure I could benefit from it, injury-prevention and flexibility-wise.

Try falling practise on gear outdoors.
- I'm now feeling generally comfortable with regular falling practise indoors, but I still feel a bit wary outdoors. Not due to the protection situation, but more the variety of fall zones and fall directions. I think practising a bit outdoors could help translate that comfort and give me more confidence.

Get going earlier in the morning.
- I'm rubbish at this, and it means I end up rushing around and/or missing out on good climbing days. I just need to get started earlier.

Start more trips in the evening to be ready the next day.
- Similar to above. I struggle to motivate myself for a long drive in the dark evenings, but it's more efficient and climbing-beneficial to get it out of the way then, get a decent night in a hostel and a decent start the next day.

Make clearer and firmer plans esp. with disorganised partners.
- I'm rubbish at organisation anyway, and need to improve on that in general, and try to make firmer plans even if I have to change or cancel them due to the weather, rather than waiting to see what happens and then not making any plans. I need to do this even more so with some good partners who are a bit haphazard too!

So there we go. Simple and fairly mundane - unlike actually putting them into practice. But I'll try...

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