Thursday, 3 January 2013

Morocco #4 - rest day.

I'm not usually the biggest fan of rest days on winter trips, especially trad ones, as you get rest evenings, rest nights, rest drives to the crag and back. But after 7 days continuous climbing, it actually seems like a good idea. Although I might have to sneak in a couple of blue routes when we visit the painted rocks nearby. Actually it's not the climbing that's been tiring recently, it's the windy single track driving, descending and ascending scrub and prickles, relentless sunshine and shivering at night.

Yesterday I did my first hardish route of the year, which had the best pitch I've climbed out here (Infinity at Lower Eagle Crag), startled a wild boar on the walk-in, tried to follow it and discovered that boar paths through dense brambles might be suitable for 2' high quadrupeds but they certainly aren't for 5'8" high bipeds, did the big route which took all afternoon, enjoyed the evening sun and view down the valley and regular donkey braying, met a very cute kitten back at the car, and fed it fennel infused breadsticks (a firm favourite of mine). Not bad at all.

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